Information according to § 5 TMG
Harmonia Logic AG Berlin Wittenberg: „The Harmonic Intelligence Company“
legally represented by its executive directors Dr. Martin Böckstiegel und Dr. Elke Böckstiegel
office: Friedrich-Engels-Str. 15, D - 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
reg. seat Berlin, HRB 193674 B beim AG Charlottenburg
phone: +49.3491.8731377
Chairman of the supervisory board: Dirk Harms
VAT-ID: DE316419262
Responsible editor:
Dr. iur. Martin Böckstiegel
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© Headerfoto: Robert Collins on Unsplash (edited). Foto Sunset Couple: Harli Marten on Unsplash (edited). Foto Path in mountains: Jonatan Pie on Unsplash (edited). Copyrights for all other content of this website, especially all embedded media, by Harmonia Logic AG. Technical Realisation: FrischBlau using the free CMS Contao.